Radzivon Aljovik
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15 de julio de 2024
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15 de julio de 2024
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Inteligencia artificial generativa e ingeniería de instrucciones con Claude de Anthropic

Radzivon Aljovik
Entusiasta de la automatización de bajo código

Effective use of Anthropic's Claude language model hinges on mastering prompt engineering. This process involves designing, testing, and refining prompts to elicit optimal performance from the AI. Prompt engineering for Claude requires understanding the model's capabilities, limitations, and unique characteristics. Anthropic provides specialized tools to streamline the prompt creation and optimization process, enabling users to achieve better results more efficiently. Well-crafted prompts can significantly enhance Claude's output across various applications, from content creation to complex problem-solving. This article delves into the intricacies of prompt engineering specifically for Claude, offering insights into best practices and techniques. We'll also explore real-world examples that demonstrate the tangible impact of expertly engineered prompts on AI-driven outcomes.

Key Takeaways: Prompt engineering with Anthropic's Claude involves designing, testing, and refining prompts to optimize AI performance, resulting in accurate, relevant, and engaging experiences. The Anthropic Console offers tools like the Prompt Generator and Evaluate Tab to streamline this process. Role prompting enhances Claude's contextual awareness and accuracy in specific domains. Effective techniques include setting clear success criteria, experimenting with roles, and using structured formats like XML tags. Real-world applications, such as ZoomInfo's RAG development, showcase the transformative potential of well-crafted prompts in driving innovation and business value.

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What is Prompt Engineering?

At its core, prompt engineering is the meticulous process of creating prompts that guide language models like Claude ai to generate desired outputs with high accuracy, relevance, and coherence. It involves carefully structuring the input text, setting appropriate context, and providing clear instructions to steer the model towards the intended goal. Effective prompt engineering is a critical skill for developers and businesses aiming to build sophisticated AI applications that deliver value to their users.

Prompt engineering is not just about getting to provide accurate answers; it's also about shaping the model's tone, style, and behavior to align with specific use cases. By fine-tuning prompts, developers can transform Claude from a generic AI assistant into a virtual expert in fields like legal analysis, financial planning, or creative writing. This adaptability makes prompt engineering a powerful tool for creating AI experiences that are not only informative but also engaging and tailored to user needs.

Anthropic Console: Enhancing Prompt Engineering Workflow

Recognizing the importance of prompt engineering, Anthropic has introduced a suite of tools within their developer console to simplify and accelerate the process. The Prompt Generator is a standout feature that leverages Claude's own capabilities to create comprehensive prompts based on concise task descriptions. By automating the initial prompt creation, this tool significantly reduces the time and effort required to get started with prompt engineering, making it particularly valuable for newcomers to the field.

Another notable addition to the Anthropic Console is the Evaluate Tab, a sandbox environment for testing and refining prompts. Developers can populate the tab with real-world examples or generate diverse test cases using Claude itself. The interface allows for side-by-side comparison of different prompts, enabling developers to assess their relative performance and identify areas for improvement. The ability to rate sample answers on a five-point scale adds a layer of quantitative feedback, facilitating data-driven decision-making in prompt optimization.

The Evaluate Tab shines in its ability to surface insights that might otherwise go unnoticed. For instance, a developer might discover that their prompt consistently generates answers that are too brief. By tweaking the prompt to encourage longer responses and applying the change across all test cases, the developer can swiftly iterate and improve the model's output. This streamlined workflow empowers developers to tackle prompt engineering challenges with greater efficiency and confidence.




Prompt Generator

Automatically creates comprehensive prompts based on concise task descriptions

Saves time and effort for both new and experienced prompt engineers

Evaluate Tab

Provides a sandbox environment for testing and refining prompts, allowing side-by-side comparison and quantitative feedback

Enables efficient iteration and improvement of prompts based on performance insights

Key Techniques in Prompt Engineering

Prompt engineering is the art of designing, testing, and refining prompts to elicit optimal performance from AI models like This involves creating prompts that guide the model to generate accurate, relevant, and coherent outputs. Key techniques include providing clear instructions, using examples, incorporating structured formats like XML tags, and breaking down complex tasks into a series of interconnected prompts. Effective prompt engineering requires a combination of technical skill, creativity, and iterative experimentation. By mastering these techniques, developers can create tailored, high-quality AI playground experiences that meet the specific needs of their applications.

Before Prompt Engineering: Defining Success Criteria

While the allure of diving headfirst into prompt engineering is understandable, taking a step back to define clear success criteria is crucial. Before crafting a single prompt, developers must articulate what they aim to achieve with their AI playground application. This introspection helps establish measurable benchmarks against which to evaluate the effectiveness of prompts.

Defining success criteria involves considering factors such as the desired accuracy of responses, the relevance of generated content to user queries, the coherence and fluency of the model's language, and the alignment of the model's behavior with the application's intended purpose. By setting these goals upfront, developers create a roadmap for prompt engineering efforts, ensuring that each iteration brings them closer to their envisioned AI experience.

Role Prompting: Giving Claude a Specific Role

One of the most transformative techniques in prompt engineering is role prompting—assigning Claude a specific persona or role to guide its behavior and outputs. By leveraging the system parameter in the Messages API, developers can imbue Claude with the knowledge, skills, and disposition of a subject matter expert. This approach unlocks a new level of accuracy, nuance, and contextual awareness in the model's responses.

Consider a legal contract analysis application. By casting Claude in the role of a seasoned General Counsel, developers can tap into the model's latent understanding of legal principles, contract structures, and potential risks. Claude-as-General-Counsel scrutinizes software licensing agreements with the acumen of a legal professional, identifying critical issues and offering strategic recommendations. This targeted expertise elevates the application's value proposition, providing users with insights that might elude a generic AI assistant.

Similarly, in the realm of financial analysis, assigning Claude the role of a Chief Financial Officer (CFO) unlocks a wealth of domain-specific knowledge. Claude-as-CFO deftly navigates balance sheets, income statements, and cash flow projections, offering incisive commentary on a company's financial health. By adopting the perspective of a strategic financial leader, Claude generates analyses that are not only mathematically sound but also attuned to the broader business context.

Role prompting is a versatile technique that can be applied across a wide range of domains. Experimenting with different roles, from customer service representative to creative writer to research assistant, allows developers to explore the full spectrum of Claude's capabilities. By carefully crafting roles and providing relevant context, prompt engineers can create AI experiences that are not only informative but also engaging and relatable to users.

Other Techniques




Providing clear instructions

Explicitly stating the desired output format, length, and style

Helps Claude generate responses that align with user expectations

Using examples

Incorporating well-crafted examples in prompts

Improves consistency and quality of Claude's outputs by providing a template to follow

Incorporating XML tags

Structuring prompts using XML tags

Guides Claude's response generation, ensuring key information is included and properly formatted

Chaining Prompts

Breaking down complex tasks into a series of interconnected prompts

Allows for granular control over Claude's outputs and enables the creation of multi-step workflows

Function calling

Leveraging Claude's ability to understand and execute functions

Expands possibilities for creating dynamic, interactive AI applications

While role prompting is a powerful tool, it is just one of many techniques in the prompt engineer's toolkit. Other strategies for optimizing prompts include:

  • Providing clear instructions: Explicitly stating the desired output format, length, and style helps Claude generate responses that align with user expectations.
  • Using examples: Incorporating well-crafted examples in prompts gives Claude a template to follow, improving the consistency and quality of its outputs.
  • Incorporating XML tags: Structured prompts using XML tags can help guide Claude's response generation, ensuring that key information is included and properly formatted.
  • Chaining Prompts: Breaking down complex tasks into a series of interconnected prompts allows for more granular control over Claude's outputs and enables the creation of multi-step workflows.
  • Function calling: Leveraging Claude's ability to understand and execute functions expands the possibilities for creating dynamic, interactive AI applications.

Best Practices and Tips for Effective Prompt Engineering

Effective prompt engineering is crucial for maximizing the potential of Claude AI. It combines technical skill, creativity, and iterative experimentation. Here are some key practices and tips to guide you.

Use the System Parameter for Role Setting

A fundamental technique is using the system parameter to set Claude's role, while task-specific instructions are given in the user turn. This approach maintains a clear structure and simplifies prompt modifications. For instance, you can set the system parameter as "You are a seasoned General Counsel" and then specify in the user turn, "Review this software licensing agreement for potential legal issues." This separation ensures clarity and efficiency.

Experiment with Different Roles

Assigning different roles to Claude helps uncover unique insights and strengths, revealing new opportunities for improvement. Experiment with roles such as "Chief Financial Officer," "Customer Service Representative," and "Creative Writer" to see how Claude performs in various contexts. This exploration can lead to significant enhancements in how Claude responds to different tasks.

Utilize Anthropic's Best Practices

Anthropic ai provides several techniques to enhance prompt engineering, including role setting, chain of thought reasoning, and using XML tags for structured prompts. For example, you can set the role as "You are an experienced financial analyst," encourage chain of thought reasoning by asking Claude to "Explain the financial health of this company step-by-step," and use XML tags like "<Analysis>Provide a detailed financial analysis of the company.</Analysis>." These practices improve the quality and reliability of Claude's outputs.

Leverage Prompt Templates for Evaluation

Using prompt templates is an effective way to evaluate how well your application handles various scenarios. This method helps identify edge cases and improve robustness. Create standardized prompts for different types of user queries and observe how Claude responds. Systematic evaluation ensures consistent performance across different contexts.

Study and Reverse-Engineer the Prompt Generator

The ai prompt generator provided by Anthropic ai is built on best practices. By studying and reverse-engineering these prompts, developers can gain deep insights into effective prompt engineering. Examine the structure and components of the generated prompts and apply similar strategies to your custom prompts. This analysis enhances your ability to create high-quality prompts tailored to specific needs.

Additional Tips

  • Iterative Experimentation: Continuously test and refine prompts based on feedback and performance data. View prompt engineering as an ongoing process of improvement.
  • Provide Clear Instructions: Clearly state the desired output format, length, and style. This helps guide Claude to generate responses that meet user expectations.
  • Use Examples: Include well-crafted examples within the prompts to give Claude a template to follow, improving consistency and quality.
  • Chain Prompts: Break down complex tasks into a series of interconnected prompts for better control and coherent responses.
  • Function Calling: Utilize Claude’s ability to understand and execute functions to create dynamic and interactive AI applications.

By following these practices and tips, you can enhance your prompt engineering efforts, creating AI applications with Claude that are accurate, relevant, and engaging. Combining technical expertise with creativity and iterative experimentation is key to mastering the art and science of prompt engineering.

Reconoce el poder de la IA Claude Antrópica con Latenode

How to Integrate the Latest Version of Claude AI without an API using Latenode

LatenodeLa perfecta integración de Claude de Anthropic proporciona a los usuarios una sólida herramienta para aprovechar el potencial de la IA conversacional sin la complejidad de desplegar el modelo en su propia infraestructura. El intuitivo editor visual de la plataforma simplifica el proceso de integración de Claude con otros sistemas mediante API, lo que permite a las empresas incorporar sin esfuerzo las sofisticadas capacidades de comprensión y generación del lenguaje de la IA a sus procesos de automatización. Utilizando Latenode, los usuarios pueden acceder cómodamente a las funciones de Claude, incluidas sus potentes capacidades de visión de la IA, automatización de tareas, ayuda a la investigación, análisis de datos y mucho más. La integración también permite a los usuarios cambiar sin problemas entre las distintas versiones de Claude, en función de sus necesidades específicas y de su presupuesto. Por ejemplo, crear un sencillo script para un chatbot de Telegram que genere respuestas a preguntas es muy sencillo. 

Éste es el aspecto del guión:

‍Y aquí está el resultado de este escenario, en el que un chatbot ya creado utilizando Latenode nos responde a una pregunta dada:

Puedes obtener más información sobre este script y la integración con Latenode en este artículo. La integración con Latenode ofrece algunas ventajas clave:

  • Facilidad de uso: Latenode La integración con AI Anthropic simplifica el proceso de utilización de la IA, facilitando a los usuarios no técnicos el acceso y la comprensión de las capacidades de IA que necesitan. Esto puede ayudar a las empresas a adoptar rápida y fácilmente soluciones de IA, sin necesidad de grandes conocimientos técnicos.
  • Flexible pricing: Latenode's integration allows users to choose between Anthropic Claude different versions, with varying costs and features, making it a more accessible and affordable option for businesses and individuals.
  • Soluciones integrales de IA: LatenodeLa integración de AI Anthropic Claude proporciona a los usuarios acceso a una amplia gama de capacidades de IA, desde tareas complejas a consultas sencillas, lo que la convierte en una plataforma de IA versátil y potente.
  • Personalización: Con la integración de Latenode, los usuarios pueden personalizar Claude para satisfacer sus necesidades específicas, lo que les permite crear soluciones de IA a medida que estén alineadas con sus metas y objetivos empresariales.

Y aquí está el resultado de este escenario, en el que un chatbot ya creado utilizando Latenode nos responde a una pregunta dada:

Si necesitas ayuda o consejo sobre cómo crear tu propio script o si quieres replicar éste, ponte en contacto con nuestra comunidad de Discorddonde se encuentran los expertos en automatización Low-code.

You can use Claude on Latenode in all cases where you have used ChatGPT before, for example or create your own:

- Soporte AI por correo electrónico

- Asistente de IA para tu sitio web

- Extraer texto de un PDF

- Analizar los sentimientos

Getting Started with Claude's Prompt Engineering

For those eager to embark on their prompt engineering journey, Anthropic ai offers a comprehensive online workshop designed to impart the knowledge and skills necessary to create highly effective prompts. Participants can expect hands-on experience, practical exercises, and access to a rich repository of resources curated by experts in the field.

The workshop curriculum covers a wide range of topics, from the fundamentals of prompt engineering to advanced techniques for optimizing performance. Attendees will learn how to define clear success criteria, develop robust test suites, and iterate on prompts based on empirical feedback. By the end of the workshop, participants will be well-equipped to tackle real-world prompt engineering challenges and drive innovation within their organizations.

Beyond the workshop, the prompt engineering community is a vibrant and collaborative space where practitioners share insights, exchange ideas, and push the boundaries of what's possible with language models like Claude. Engaging with this community through forums, conferences, and open-source projects can accelerate one's growth as a prompt engineer and provide ongoing inspiration for creating groundbreaking AI claude applications.

As the field of generative AI continues to evolve at a breakneck pace, prompt engineering has emerged as a critical skillset for unlocking the full potential of language models like Anthropic's Claude. By mastering the art and science of crafting effective prompts, developers and businesses can create AI experiences that are not only informative but also engaging, personalized, and aligned with user needs.

The tools and techniques provided by Anthropic, from the ai Prompt Generator to the Evaluate Tab, empower prompt engineers to streamline their workflows, test their creations, and iterate with confidence. As more organizations recognize the transformative potential of well-crafted prompts, the demand for skilled prompt engineers will only continue to grow.

Whether you're a seasoned developer looking to expand your skillset or a business leader seeking to harness the power of generative AI, investing in prompt engineering is a strategic imperative. By combining technical expertise with creativity and a deep understanding of user needs, prompt engineers are poised to shape the future of AI-driven innovation across industries.

So, if you're ready to embark on a journey of discovery, innovation, and impact, dive into the world of prompt engineering with Anthropic's Claude. The tools are at your fingertips, the community is eager to collaborate, and the possibilities are limited only by your imagination. Happy prompting!

Puedes probar gratis Newest AI Anthropic Claude en Latenode


What is the significance of prompt engineering in the context of generative AI? 

Prompt engineering is crucial for unlocking the full potential of generative AI models like Anthropic's Claude. By carefully designing, testing, and refining prompts, developers can guide these models to generate highly accurate, relevant, and coherent outputs tailored to specific use cases. Effective prompt engineering enables the creation of engaging and valuable AI experiences across a wide range of applications.

How does the Anthropic Console help with prompt engineering? 

The Anthropic Console offers a suite of tools to streamline and enhance the prompt engineering workflow. The ai Prompt Generator automatically creates comprehensive prompts based on concise task descriptions, saving time and effort for both new and experienced prompt engineers. The Evaluate Tab provides a sandbox environment for testing and refining prompts, allowing developers to compare the performance of different prompts and iterate based on quantitative feedback.

What is role prompting, and how does it affect Claude's performance? 

Role prompting is a technique in which developers assign a specific persona or role to Claude using the system parameter in the Messages API. By casting Claude in the role of a subject matter expert, such as a General Counsel for legal analysis or a Chief Financial Officer for financial planning, developers can tap into the model's latent knowledge and skills in those domains. Role prompting enhances the accuracy, nuance, and contextual awareness of Claude's responses, enabling the creation of more sophisticated and targeted AI applications.

Can you provide some examples of real-world applications of prompt engineering with Claude? 

Prompt engineering with Claude has already shown promising results in real-world applications. For instance, ZoomInfo leveraged Anthropic's tools and techniques to accelerate the development of their Retrieval-Augmented Generation (RAG) application, significantly reducing time-to-MVP while improving output quality. Prompt engineering has the potential to drive innovation across various industries, from healthcare and finance to education and entertainment.

How can I get started with prompt engineering using Anthropic's Claude? 

To begin your prompt engineering journey with Claude, consider enrolling in Anthropic's comprehensive online workshop. The workshop offers hands-on experience, practical exercises, and access to a wealth of expert-curated resources. You'll learn how to define success criteria, develop test suites, and iterate on prompts based on empirical feedback. Additionally, engaging with the vibrant prompt engineering community through forums, conferences, and open-source projects can provide ongoing learning opportunities and inspiration for creating innovative AI applications.

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