Aplicaciones en este flujo de trabajo

Cómo funciona

Enhance the functionality of your WordPress website by seamlessly integrating the WP Webhooks plugin with Latenode. This integration offers a solution to a common problem: the need for efficient automation in managing WordPress data and interactions with external services.

Before integrating WP Webhooks with Latenode, managing automation workflows typically involved manual processes or custom development. This often resulted in inefficiencies, increased workload, and potential errors.

With WordPress Webhooks and Latenode integration, you can now automate various tasks such as sending WordPress data to external services or triggering actions in WordPress based on external events. For example, you can automatically update customer records in your CRM when a new user registers on your WordPress site, or you can trigger email notifications to users when specific conditions are met.

This integration empowers website owners and developers to streamline their workflows, reduce manual intervention, and ensure seamless communication between WordPress and external services. By simplifying content management and enabling smooth interactions, this solution enhances user engagement and overall website performance.

What You'll Need:

  • WordPress website
  • WordPress webhooks plugin
  • Latenode account

Step 1: Installing WP Webhooks Plugin

  • Download the Plugin:
Illustration how download the WP plugin
  • Visit the wordpress webhooks page and download the plugin as a zip file.


  • Navigate to your WordPress website's plugin management page.
  • Go to My Site > Plugins > Add New Plugin > Upload.
  • Upload the downloaded zip file and install the plugin.


  • Once installed, locate wordpress webhooks in your plugin tab.
  • Click on Settings to start configuring the plugin.
Illustration how to activate WP plugin

Step 2: Settings Overview

Send Data:

Illustration of Settings and how to send data
  • Configure triggers for automation workflows.
  • Select events that will trigger the execution of automation tasks.

Receive Data:

Illustration of Settings and how to receive data
  • Obtain Webhooks Actions URL with an API key.
  • Define actions to be performed upon receiving data from external sources.

Step 3: Automating Your Website

  • Design Your Scenario:
Illustration how to design your scenario
  • Define the automation scenario you wish to implement.
  • For example, collecting user comments and storing them in Google Sheets.

Scenario Setup:

  • Create a new scenario on Latenode.com
  • Rename your scenario for easy identification.

Webhook Trigger Configuration:

  • Add a webhook trigger node to your scenario.
  • Copy the generated webhook link and configure it in WP Webhooks plugin.

Google Sheets Integration:

  • Add nodes to interact with Google Sheets.
  • Configure nodes to add, find, and update rows in your spreadsheet.
Illustration of configuration nodes to add, find and update rows in your scenario

Iterator Setup:

  • Implement an iterator to process data efficiently.
  • Connect nodes to iterate through data seamlessly.

Google Sheets: Update Cell x4

At this stage of the workflow, we populate the cells of the spreadsheet with the user's name, email, and comment, while also updating the status from "empty" to "updated". To achieve this, four update cell nodes are required.

Add Update Cell Nodes:

  • Click on "add node" and select the "Update cell" node from the Google Sheets options.
  • Ensure your authorization token is inserted and choose the spreadsheet's path.

Node Duplication:

  • As the actions for all four nodes are identical, you can save time by duplicating one node.
  • Right-click on the node, select "copy", and paste it into the desired location.

Node Renaming:

  • To avoid confusion, rename each node to distinguish them from one another.

Cell & Value Configuration:

  • Configure each node to update the respective cells with the appropriate values


  • Celda: A (objeto googlesheetnumber del Iterador)
  • Valor: objeto comment_author del activador webhook


  • Celda: B (objeto googlesheetnumber del Iterador)
  • Valor: objeto comment_author_email del activador webhook


  • Celda: C (objeto googlesheetnumber del Iterador)
  • Valor: objeto comment_content del activador webhook


  • Celda: D (objeto googlesheetnumber del Iterador)
  • Valor: actualizado

Connect Nodes:

  • Connect all four nodes to the upper point of the Iterator for sequential execution.

Save Changes:

  • Once configured, ensure to save the changes made to the nodes.

Set up HTTP request to WP webhooks Configuration::

The final step of our workflow involves adding an HTTP request node to handle actions such as deleting comments. Here's how to set it up:

Adding HTTP Request Node:

  • Add a node to the right connection point of the iterator.
  • Look for "HTTP request" in the application list.

Configuring HTTP Request:

  • Obtain the Webhook action URL from the Receive Data tab of the wordpress webhook plugin.
  • Access webhook wordpress actions and locate the "Delete comment" action.
  • Modify the URL by appending "&action=delete_comment" and "&comment_id={comment_id object}" to perform the deletion action.
Illustration of configuration HTTP Request

Setting Method and Saving Changes:

  • In the HTTP request node, set the method as GET.
  • Save the changes to apply the configuration.

Setting Up Filter:

  • To prevent deletion of every comment, a filter needs to be set up.
  • Click on the connection between the Iterator and HTTP request, then select "set up filter".

Filter Configuration:

  • Insert a name for the filter in the "Label" field.
  • In the "condition" field, utilize the "contains" function from the Operators window.
  • After the first gap, insert the comment_id object from the webhooks wordpress trigger.
  • After the semicolon, insert "https://" to ensure that only comments containing links are deleted.

Testing and Conclusion

  • Test the automation workflow by triggering relevant events on your WordPress site
  • In case with the comment without the link, the HTTP node wasn’t activated, look:.
Illustration of Testing your scenario
  • Y el del comentario:
Illustration of final result of work

By following these steps, you can create a powerful automation system for your WordPress website using WP Webhooks pro plugin and Latenode. Streamline your workflows, enhance user engagement, and simplify content management with ease through seamless webhooks WordPress integration.

For a ready-to-go template of this scenario, you can access it here. Additionally, feel free to join our Latenode Discord community for further assistance and discussions on automation strategies.

Happy automating!


TI y Desarrollo


¿Puedo utilizar Latenode si no estoy familiarizado con la programación?

Sí, Latenode está diseñado para usuarios de todos los niveles. Ofrece funciones avanzadas para los que dominan JavaScript y herramientas visuales intuitivas y asistencia de IA para los principiantes. Tanto si eres un desarrollador experimentado como si eres un principiante, Latenode te ofrece una experiencia fácil de usar y adaptada a tu nivel de habilidad.‍‍

¿Puede Latenode integrarse con servicios y API de terceros?

Sí, Latenode admite la integración con una amplia gama de servicios y API de terceros. Puedes conectar Latenode a varias plataformas en línea, bases de datos y sistemas de software para automatizar las transferencias de datos, desencadenar acciones y agilizar los flujos de trabajo. Latenode también proporciona herramientas y recursos para facilitar el proceso de integración.

¿Existe una versión gratuita de Latenode ?

Sí, Latenode ofrece una versión gratuita que te permite explorar sus capacidades. Esta versión incluye un subconjunto de funciones de Latenode, lo que te permite empezar con la automatización y experimentar sus ventajas. Luego puedes decidir si quieres pasar a un plan de pago para obtener funciones y recursos adicionales.

¿Qué es Latenode?

Latenode es una herramienta de automatización visible e intuitiva diseñada para permitir a los clientes agilizar sus flujos de trabajo mediante la automatización. Permite a los clientes crear estrategias informatizadas mediante la conexión de diversas ofertas de Internet y gadgets, permitiéndoles automatizar obligaciones y decorar la productividad con éxito.

¿Cómo ayuda Latenode a maximizar las oportunidades?

Al integrar todas tus herramientas de marketing en un solo lugar mediante la integración de datos, Latenode te ayuda a obtener una visión global de tus operaciones. Esto te permite identificar oportunidades potenciales más fácilmente y tomar decisiones informadas basadas en datos precisos.