September 18, 2023

Automatización de Mailchimp: Guía definitiva para principiantes

Discover the power of Mailchimp automation with our ultimate beginner's guide. Learn how to create classic automations and convert more customers.

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Mailchimp Automation refers to the suite of automation features and tools offered by Mailchimp, an email marketing platform. These features allow users to create automated email campaigns, including welcome emails, abandoned cart emails, and drip campaigns, based on user actions and triggers, such as sign-ups or purchases, to engage subscribers and leads effectively.

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In the realm of contemporary marketing, classic automations and email campaigns have emerged as pivotal factors in reducing manual tasks and enhancing customer relationships. Mailchimp, a renowned name in the email campaigns domain, offers an array of custom and classic automations, including drip campaigns and email series, which significantly streamline marketing efforts through individual emails. These tools, like the onboarding predictive segmentation campaign manager Mailchimp recommends, hold immense significance in enhancing business productivity. They do this through workflow automation and custom automation of repetitive tasks such as sending emails with specific subject lines or to certain names using an automation builder.

These marketing emails and email series automations can be viewed and managed conveniently within Mailchimp's campaign manager, reducing manual tasks. Despite a monthly limit on some features, the impact they bring to customer experience in time-efficient settings is undeniable, even with potential spam issues. By leveraging these automation features, specifically workflow automations and automated emails, organizations can enjoy improved efficiency and effectiveness in their marketing campaigns, while reducing spam. Additionally, integrating specialized email marketing automation software like Latenode can further enhance your email marketing capabilities, providing advanced tools for personalized content delivery and efficient automation. Explore these solutions to supercharge your email marketing efforts and elevate customer engagement.

Setting Up Automated Workflows Guide

Step-By-Step Process

  1. From the Mailchimp dashboard, navigate to the "Automations" tab.
  2. Select "Create Automation Workflow".
  3. Choose from preset automations or create a custom workflow.
  4. Configure your workflow settings.

Customizing Workflow Templates

  • Adjust triggers and actions according to specific needs.
  • Customize automation emails content and timing for each step in the marketing emails workflow. The predictive segmentation campaign manager Mailchimp recommends utilizing these automations.

Key Considerations

  • Ensure that your single email automation and classic automation emails align with your overall marketing strategy and process.
  • Keep user experience in mind when designing processes.
  • Regularly review and adjust settings as necessary.

Troubleshooting Common Issues

Common issues during setup can include:

  • Incorrectly configured triggers can start the process of email automation incorrectly: Double-check all conditions for each step of the workflow to avoid spam.
  • Verify that all emails, even those considered spam, are correctly set up within the workflow automation process. This starts with ensuring your contacts are properly integrated.

Utilizing Mailchimp's email automation, including classic automation, is an effective method to streamline marketing efforts and manage emails, while avoiding spam. By properly setting up and customizing these email automation workflows, businesses can ensure they're reaching their contacts in a timely and personalized manner through emails with the help of Mailchimp integration. This process ensures effective communication.

Strategies for Successful Marketing Automation

Effective Email Automation Campaigns

First off, effective marketing emails, free from spam, are critical in the successful automation of your workflow process, particularly when dealing with contacts. Utilize email automation as a marketing tool to create compelling emails, avoiding spam and engaging your contacts with content and design. Set clear sending criteria for your emails and automate these manual tasks in your workflow using an automation builder. Ensure that your contacts are not overwhelmed with spam.

Data Analytics for Optimization

Data analytics is a goldmine for improving your strategies. It provides insights into customer journeys and email automation, which can be leveraged to optimize workflow automation in marketing campaigns for emails and contacts. Use workflow automation and email automation tools to analyze data and make necessary adjustments to your classic automation and contacts.

Personalization and Segmentation

Personalization in emails and segmentation of contacts are key elements in a successful marketing automation workflow, helping to reduce spam. Email automation systems allow you to tailor your emails based on the recipient's preferences or behavior, ensuring your contacts don't perceive them as spam.

  • Segmentation: Divide your contacts into groups based on their characteristics or behaviors for effective email automation. This workflow automation can enhance your emails' efficiency.
  • Personalization: Customize your emails content based on the segmented contacts groups using classic automation and workflow automation.

For instance, you could segment contacts who have purchased products from a certain category, then personalize your email automation in the drip campaign accordingly, enhancing your workflow automation with tailored emails.

A/B Testing Strategy

A/B testing is essential in refining your strategy. This involves creating two versions of an email automation campaign component (e.g., subject line, call-to-action), then sending each version to a different subset of your audience through workflow automation.

  1. Create version A and B.
  2. Send them to different subsets.
  3. Analyze which performs better.
  4. Implement the winning version in future campaigns.

This allows continuous improvement of your email automation series by validating what works best with real market data.

Utilizing Mailchimp for Ecommerce Reports

Interpreting Ecommerce Reports

Mailchimp provides comprehensive ecommerce reports. These email reports, generated through email automation and workflow automation, contain valuable purchase data, allowing you to understand shoppers' behavior better.

  • Purchase Data: This includes information about what customers are buying, when they're making purchases, and their interaction with emails. The data can be utilized for email automation and workflow automation.
  • Emails & Shopper Behavior: Analyzing this data can help identify patterns or trends in customer purchasing habits, aiding in email automation and workflow automation.

Enhancing Sales Performance

Insights from these reports can significantly enhance sales performance.

  1. Identify popular products.
  2. Determine the best time to run promotions.
  3. Understand which marketing strategies are working.

For example, if Google Analytics shows a surge in website traffic after an email campaign, it's a clear indicator of the success of your emails.

Tracking Customer Behavior

Ecommerce reports, enhanced by email automation, also allow tracking of customer behavior through your emails on your account.

  • Track click-through rates: See how many people engage with your emails.
  • Monitor purchase history with email automation: Identify repeat customers and their preferred products through emails.

By understanding these behaviors, businesses can tailor their email automation efforts more effectively, increase conversion rates, and optimize their emails.

Regular Report Analysis

Regular analysis of these email automation reports and emails is crucial for decision-making. It helps businesses:

  • Stay updated with market trends.
  • Make informed decisions based on real-time data.
  • Adapt quickly to changes in customer behavior or preferences.

Boosting Customer Retention with Mailchimp

Automated Emails and Re-engagement

Automated emails are a powerful tool in customer retention. With the email automation onboarding predictive segmentation campaign manager that Mailchimp recommends, you can identify potential customers who need re-engaging through emails. Send these subscribers personalized offers to boost their interest.

Por ejemplo:

  • A discount code for their next purchase from your store, sent via emails.
  • An invitation to join an exclusive club or event.
  • A birthday message with a special offer attached.

Personalized Offers and Retention Strategy

Personalized emails with offers not only help in re-engaging customers but also serve as an effective retention strategy. Using the email contacts Mailchimp recommends, create offers that resonate with individual customers' email preferences and behaviors. This could be an email containing a product recommendation based on their browsing history, or a service upgrade offer at a discounted rate sent via email.

Timely Communication

Timely communication is crucial in maintaining customer relationships. The email customer journey builder feature of Mailchimp allows you to set up automated email messages that reach your customers exactly when they need them - without any delay.

Feedback Collection

Email feedback collection plays an essential role in improving customer experience and ultimately retaining customers. Utilize the predictive segmentation campaign manager Mailchimp suggests to send out feedback forms or email surveys. This will help you understand what your customers like or dislike about your products/services through their email responses, allowing you to make necessary improvements based on email feedback.

Efficient Team Management via Mailchimp Automation

Assigning Roles and Permissions

Mailchimp email automation allows team members to be assigned specific roles and permissions. This email feature ensures that every team member knows their responsibilities, promoting accountability within the team.

  • Campaign Manager: Handles creation and scheduling of email campaigns.
  • Email Predictive Segmentation Expert: Analyzes email contacts for custom messages to the right people.

Collaborative Features

Several collaborative features are available on Mailchimp's automation tools:

  1. Shared reports
  2. Dashboards
  3. Task assignment feature

These email features streamline team communication, ensuring everyone is on the same page.

Streamlining Communication

Shared reports and dashboards allow for a quick review of an email series performance. Every team member can access these via email, reducing time wasted in unnecessary meetings.

A few points to remember:

  • Regularly check your email's spam folder to prevent important messages from being missed.
  • Use dedicated onboarding emails for new team members to familiarize them with the system quickly.

Ensuring Accountability

The email task assignment feature changes how tasks are managed within a team via email. Each task is assigned to a specific person via email, making it easy to track who is responsible for what.

  • Send follow-up emails
  • Review campaign performance
  • Contact clients or customers

In this way, Mailchimp automation not only optimizes your email marketing efforts but also enhances your team management efficiency.

The Power of Mailchimp Automation

Harnessing the power of Mailchimp automation can revolutionize your email marketing strategy. By setting up automated email workflows, implementing successful email marketing strategies, utilizing ecommerce reports, boosting customer retention through email, and managing your team efficiently, you're paving the way for a streamlined and effective email marketing approach.Mailchimp's email automation tools are designed to give businesses like yours the edge in an increasingly competitive digital landscape. However, don't miss out on exploring the full potential of marketing automation. To take your marketing efforts to the next level, consider integrating Latenode, a versatile and powerful marketing automation platform. It can provide advanced features, personalized content delivery, and even more efficient automation capabilities. Don't let this email opportunity slip through your fingers - take advantage of what Mailchimp's email services, along with the transformative potential of Latenode, have to offer. Get started today to supercharge your email marketing and overall business operations.

Alex Garkavenko
Desarrollador Senior y Embajador de Latenode

Better communication

Automation helps you keep in touch with your customers by providing them with up-to-date information and offers.

Tracking and Analysis

The marketing automation workflow provides tools to track campaign results and analyze the effectiveness of marketing efforts.

Increase conversions  

Automatic and timely contact with potential customers can increase the chances of getting their attention and converting into customers.


Automation of marketing processes allows you to reduce the time it takes to complete tasks and eliminate routine manual operations.